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If you identify with any of the scenarios above, try the expert tips below for reducing your alcohol consumption (or even eliminating it altogether).

 16 Tips to Reduce Alcohol Use

1. Measure your drinks.
“The first step is to understand how much you’re actually drinking,” A standard glass of wine is 5 ounces, which contains about 12% alcohol. A shot of distilled spirits like vodka is 1.5 ounces and equally 40% alcohol. One 12-ounce can of beer contains about 5% alcohol, and a standard glass of sherry is 3 to 4 ounces and contains about 17% alcohol, according to the NIAAA. Use the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA’s) drink size calculator to determine the amount of alcohol in various drinks.

Official Website: Alcohol Free Forever

2. Track your intake.
“Once you have a sense of how much you’re drinking, it’s helpful to track how many drinks you’re having per day,” says Witkiewitz. “You could use a calendar, journal or any number of tracking apps.” Drink Control Alcohol Tracker or Less are two examples of free tracking apps available on iOS devices.

3. Make a plan.
People who set daily drink limits consume 10% fewer drinks each week than those who don’t, And beginning the week well is an indicator of success: Members who stay under their planned limit on Monday and Tuesday are nearly four times more likely to reach their goal for the week. Instead of aiming for complete abstinence, for instance, aim to drink fewer than seven days a week. “Try sober Mondays or sober Mondays through Wednesdays,” he says. 

4. Tell family members and friends you want to get healthier.
Reframe drinking as you would any other health behavior you want to change, such as eating better or getting more exercise, and share it aloud with those closest to you. This social approach can help normalize the change you’re trying to make, says Witkiewitz. “You don’t have to have a problem with drinking to want to improve your health and quality of life by reducing your drinking.”

5. Try a month of abstinence.
“Try doing a ‘dry’ month like Dry January, Go Dry for July or Sober October,” says Moore. In January 2020, more than 6 million people reportedly participated in Dry January, a campaign to reduce alcohol consumption organized by Alcohol Change UK. Follow-up research suggested that most tended to drink in healthier amounts afterward.

6. Get exercise.
If you turn to alcohol to ease anxiety, try exercise as a healthy alternative. “For those who have access to and enjoy outdoor activities and other physical activity options, we know that physical activity, particularly in nature, can be very helpful in reducing anxiety and coping with other negative moods,” says Witkiewitz.

7. Drink water.
You might reach for alcohol when you’re really just thirsty, says Crews. Drink a cup of soothing tea or a tall glass of water before you imbibe—once your thirst is quenched, you may not feel the need for as much—or any—alcohol.

8. Eat before and in between drinks.
Food can absorb the alcohol in beverages, so eating before or even while you drink can dampen the effect and may make you want to drink less, says Crews.

9. Make a plan for cravings.
The urge to drink will inevitably come—so make a plan for it. Remind yourself of why you want to cut back, talk to a friend about it and distract yourself with a hobby or exercise, the NIAAA suggests. Accept that you have the urge and that it will pass.

10. Remove alcohol from your house.
If you tend to drink too much whenever there is any alcohol in the house, get rid of it altogether,  the NIAAA recommends.

11. Watch out for anger, resentment or grudges.
Do you turn to alcohol when stewing in anger? In its book Living Sober, Alcoholics Anonymous suggests navigating these feelings with exercise, talking the situation through with a trusted friend, getting rest and choosing a “live and let live” mindset instead of drinking.

12. Avoid loneliness.
If you drink to ease the pain of loneliness, then make a conscious effort to connect with others. Alcoholics Anonymous cautions its members not to get too hungry, angry, lonely or tired—all of which can make you more vulnerable to the urge to drink. Find activities that are mentally and emotionally nourishing and bring you joy, and identify ways to connect socially with friends, says Witkiewitz.

13. Get online support.
You don’t have to leave the house to get support from other people who understand and respect what you’re trying to do. In fact, you can find it online with sites, which helps you create a customized plan, Tempest, or Ben’s Friends for people who work in the food and beverage industry.

14. Avoid triggers.
What makes you reach for a drink? An acquaintance who talks nonstop? Watching news about the stock market? “We encourage using an informal mindfulness practice when feeling triggered,” says Witkiewitz. “Stopping in the moment to take stock of what’s actually happening, what emotions, sensations, thoughts are present, bringing awareness to breath, and then making a choice for how you want to respond to the situation. Maybe it’s still drinking, maybe not. Maybe it’s calling an old friend, going for a walk or spending time with a beloved child or pet.”

15. Learn how to say, “No.”
Prepare yourself for those times when someone is going to offer you a drink. Find words to help you decline politely but firmly. “No thanks” is a simple, clear statement. You might also hold onto a nonalcoholic drink instead, ask a friend to support you in difficult situations or simply exit early if temptation gets too strong, the NIAAA suggests.

16. If you slip, return to your plan.
Don’t give into shame and regret—just restart your plan. “Success really is about how you respond to setbacks and things that are thrown your way,” says Moore. “If someone’s strategy to drink less doesn’t work, it’s crucial to recognize and reflect on lessons learned and take action—at least one next, right step—to begin making a change.”

What to Expect When You Stop Drinking
If you’re unable to cut back on your own despite your best efforts, if you get frequent hangovers. If you’ve become dependent on alcohol, cutting it out of your life may produce withdrawal symptoms, such as a rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, sweating and shaking. Psychological symptoms can include irritability, anxiety and restlessness. Talk to your doctor if you experience these symptoms.